VISIT BALKANS is a project made by VISIT ROMANIA, founded in 1994 as a complex trade company. Our travel agency’s main asset is its global presence in the travel market by promoting and providing Destination ROMANIA and the BALKANS to customers from all around the world. Our team gathers people fluently in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Japanese. But what we consider to make the difference, apart from their professionalism, is their alive passion and commitment. We take pride in our suppliers’ valuable expertise and cooperation, both coming a long way back over the years. All of them have been carefully selected and are constantly evaluated, both local ones and the ones abroad. We feature cultural tours, nature tours, archaeology-themed tours, study trips and tailor-made tours, both for groups and FITs. VISIT BALKANS is committed to developing a long-term partnership and we hope that our integrated approach to your travel needs is demonstrated by the wide range of services that we provide. This is how we customize our services based on YOUR needs! So, don’t think twice, just VISIT THE BALKANS! 

Your trusted travel partner since 1994!